ThrowDown Rules

By entering a Bob'sShorts ThrowDown moviemaking challenge event, you agree to certain conditions, outlined here. Provided that you successfully complete the ThrowDown registration process, you will be entered in the open ThrowDown. After you complete and submit your movie/production, you, or the copyright holder for your movie/production if it is not you, agree that Bob’sShorts may present your completed movie/production during various future screenings and exhibitions of completed Bob’sShorts works, in video compilations, and in other media presentations. Bob’sShorts may use images, motion and/or sound segments from your production to publicize and market said screenings, exhibitions and presentations and the overall Bob’sShorts program. You understand and agree that you are the responsible party for your Bob’sShorts production, and agree to include in the movie only original works or works for which you will secure all necessary rights and permissions prior to submission. Please deliver a high-quality duplicate copy of your production; never submit your sole or original copy as submissions become the property of Bob’sShorts and may or may not be retained indefinitely by us. Bob’sShorts maintains an historical archive of completed works and listings of titles, cast and crews, which may be viewed by the public at www.bobsshorts.org.